Q: Need to contact us?
A: Call us at 925.829.8000
Q: What are the dates for the Summer Academy?
A: June 16-July 25 (no instruction on June 19th and July 4th)
Q: Are QLS courses UC approved?
A: Please refer to the website and/or Summer Academy Course Catalog for all course descriptions and UC approval information.
Q: Is QLS WASC accredited?
A: Yes, we are a WASC accredited school.
Q: Will my school take this class for credit?
A: It is the parent's/student's responsibility to check with your school/School district to confirm. Most schools will allow you to advance to the next level; however your student’s school makes the final decision. For example, if you take the summer Algebra 1 session and pass the course, some schools may also require you to take a placement test before you can advance to Geometry.
Q: What are the policies for grades and audit options? What does it mean to audit a course?
A: All courses that provide credit will be graded. You may opt to AUDIT a class, where you will take the course but not receive credit and therefore not receive a grade. Instructions on opting to AUDIT a course will be provided after the start of Summer Academy. All Enrichment courses will not provide a grade (English, Math Enrichment, Speech and Debate), hence the audit option does not apply.
Q: Absences- How many days of school can I miss?
A: To report an absence from school please e-mail LS-Attendance@quarrylane.org (grades JK-5) and US-Attendance@quarrylane.org (grade 6-12). Students enrolled in classes for credit may not miss any more than 2 days-this is a firm policy.
Q: Do you have prerequisites for your courses offered?
A: Yes. For our science courses, your student must have completed Algebra 1 with a “C” or above to take Biology, Chemistry and/or Physics. For the math courses, you must have completed the previous level math course with a “C” or above in order to be eligible to move on. Please refer to the course listing page and/or Summer Academy Course Catalog for the criteria on all classes.
Q: Teacher Office Hours
A: Each for-credit academic class will have 20-30 minutes dedicated to teacher office hours daily. No additional office hours are offered outside of this time. Given the pace and challenging nature of our for-credit classes, students who need extensive, extra support may want to consider seeking outside tutoring. Students who do not need instructor support at this time can utilize this time to jump start on homework and/or review materials.
Q: When do I register?
A: All registration is on a first come first serve basis and can only be done online. Registration for all courses open in January 2025.
Q: When and how do I pay my fees?
A: All tuition and fees paid are non-refundable and are to be paid upon registration. Refunds are only given if the course is cancelled.
Q: Who are the teachers and what materials do I need?
A: Please click here for a list of required textbooks for our academic courses. The syllabus will be given to your student on the first day of school and/or published on the Parent Portal. The teachers will be assigned to your student the week before the class starts along with the room number. Please note, not all enrichment courses have a required textbook.
Q: Can I request a section or teacher change?
A: Under no circumstances will we accept any request for teachers or requests to be with a classmate.
Q: Textbooks- Where do I purchase my textbook?
A: Required textbooks for our for-credit academic courses can be found here. Carefully review the textbook options. While the school recommends physical textbooks, there may be e-books available. The school will not provide textbooks, please ensure your student is ready for the first day of school.
Q: Technology- Does my student need a laptop?
A: Yes, all students grade 6-12 should bring a laptop and headphones to class. If you are in an enrichment class, please check with your teacher on the first day of school.
Q: My school is asking for a proof of enrollment; what documentation can I provide to my school?
A: The confirmation email received upon enrollment serves as your proof of enrollment.
Q: Transcripts- Will Quarry Lane submit my student's grade to his/her school upon completion of the course?
A: Quarry Lane will not submit your student's transcript to their school. It is the responsibility of the student to submit the transcript to their school for credit transfer. The school will make transcripts available early to mid August via Parchment. Instructions for requesting transcripts through Parchment will be sent out closer to the end of Summer Academy. It is the student's responsibility to submit the transcript to his/her school for credit transfer.
Q: How do obtain Plus Portal access for the school online portal?
A: All parents and students should have access to the portal via their own account. All users in the system are sent an activation e-mail. If you did not receive an activation email, please check your spam folder prior to reaching out to the school. Please email IT-Help@quarrylane.org for assistance with your portal access. Please note, access the Plus Portal platform will be provided closer to the Summer Academy start date.
Q: Where do I drop-off and pick-up my student?
A: All drop-off and pick-up must be curbside, please do not park to pick-up your student. Campus is open from 7:45 am to 5:00 pm in the summer, students may not be on campus before or after these hours.
Q: Where do I find my room assignment?
A: You can find your teacher assignment and classroom number on Plus Portals. Please refer to the campus map found on the Plus Portal to locate your classroom.
Q: How will I find my classroom on day one?
A: Refer to the campus map on the Plus Portal or find a school representative on the first day of class, we are here to assist you.